A fan of 'Deadliest Catch'? Did you watch the episode explaining all that can go wrong at sea? I did. My husband is a fan.
El Nino weather patterns create big storms so putting a survival suit on in under sixty seconds is important. Equipment needs a regular safety check; crews need survival drills. The ship's captain carries the weight of each crew member and the family he or she represents. When the sea billows roll with wind over 30 knots and the boat surfs over 20 foot swells, the captain doesn't sleep.
The Coast Guard practices rescues for every scenario imaginable. Wind, rotor speed plus heaving ships equals challenge.
Prayer chain texts, phone calls and emails with tough news billow through our weeks. How do we respond? Do we allow the winds of fear and anxiety to push us off the course of trust and faith?
Monday holds a funeral in its hands. A homegoing for a young husband and father. Friday snatches a grandfather just after supper and a playtime with the grandkids. Saturday brings a broken arm to a young hockey player, crushing dreams. A difficult relationship strained by social media and immaturity saturates Sunday's peace.
Trouble comes in this world whether we are ready or not.
John 16:33 says, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (NIV)
Jesus acts as the responsible captain with his disciples.
In the previous chapters, he prepares them for what's ahead. In John chapter thirteen, he serves them by washing their feet and offers a new command to love others like he does. Next Jesus tells them He is going away to the Father. He is sending the Holy Spirit to dwell in them and empower them to do the work of the Father like He did on earth. Then He describes the abiding life that bears fruit in John 15. They have been pulled out of the world to abide with Him but it will not be easy. Trouble awaits them.
John 16 discusses how the Holy Spirit helps them when they face trouble. This is a simplistic summary but it shows how Jesus makes provision for his followers to survive and thrive in the coming days of trials and persecution. In John 17, he prays for his disciples and those that come after them. He prays for all of us who believe in John 17.
Jesus doesn't abandon ship. He knows the seas are rough, the waves high and the storms long. He invites us to abide, rest and dwell in Him. Maybe it's time to get to know Jesus through intimate relationship with Him.

On another note . . .
If you grew up in church, this title is familiar for different reasons. If not, check out the story behind the famous hymn, 'It is Well with my Soul' by Horatio G. Spafford. You can watch either Youtube video and get an idea of the losses Horatio and his wife experienced.
It is Well with My Soul (Horatio G. Spafford)