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Joy in the Midst of Sorrow


Broken arms can't stop a smile. Distance can't sever love. Togetherness in the midst of loss quiets loneliness.

We gathered to celebrate the life of my uncle. He poured his life out for many by listening to the nudges of the Holy Spirit. He wrote them down on the palm of his hand before transferring them to his shirt pocket daytimer. Then he acted on the plan.

Uncle Rusty drew out the hidden longings and fears of the heart through his great questions. We had lunch as a family at his favourite restaurant, the Yellow Deli, to honour his generosity showered on people there.

Sorrow exists, for no one will ever fill his shoes or take his place. Yet joy abounds to know he is with His Maker and Lord, enjoying a reward for his faithfulness.

"The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:11-12 NLT)

The shepherds hurried off to find the perfect Lamb of God. They marvelled, worshipped and proclaimed their joy and delight over the truth of the angelic proclamation.

The shepherds weren't freed from the tyranny of their occupiers, the Romans. Riches and fame didn't follow their discovery. The day to day challenges of weather, sheep and occupational hazards didn't disappear.

They knew the child in the manger signified an unblemished lamb ready for sacrifice. That was the meaning of 'saviour'. He would be the only one who could deliver them from the tyranny of sin's rule and reign in their lives.

Yet they had to wait. The child of the proclamation would have to grow up into adulthood before they would see a fulfillment of the angelic visitation.

A few years later, King Herod shortened the lives of some of their sons in order to protect his throne from the very One who came to deliver him from his pride and jealousy.

Did the shepherds hold on to the angelic message as they grieved? Did they continue to wait on the promised Saviour despite the heartache they experienced?

The joy of walking with Jesus is a daily thing. He's the only One who can set us free from the tyranny of sin. It involves waiting. It involves resting. It involves trusting in the dark when you see only a pinprick of light ahead.

Uncle Rusty's deepest longing would be for each reader to discover the love of God through the gift of His son, Jesus Christ. Our family will miss him dearly but it's only a short time until we step into eternity where we'll be united once again.

It's my hope that you'll embrace the grace of forgiveness and choose a relationship with God because he loves you. Merry Christmas!

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