Do you ever wonder what God did on his first day of rest? Was He tired? Exhausted from the act of creation? Did He sleep in? I can hear your chuckles from my office. I think He hung out with his creation in the garden and enjoyed the connection with Adam and Eve and delighted as they discovered the incredible beauty and intricacies of all that surrounded them. He so enjoyed the fellowship of the Son and the Holy Spirit that He made us in his image to enjoy that type of relationship. A friend of mine who has gone on to glory would just say 'Wow' when no other words would come out when he was preaching after his stroke. I always teared up when I heard him say that because the presence of God was so real and tangible when Nathan said 'Wow'. What kinds of nature walks have you taken or what have you seen in His Word or what have you experienced during a time of worship that takes your breath away as you marvel about your God?
Carving out opportunities to savour times of connection with God and with each other is important. Take time to soak in God's Presence. Listen to Him in the midst of music, beauty and creation. Ponder His love letter anew.
We just got back from one of the longest holidays we have ever taken as a family. Each of us said the favorite part of our holiday was the opportunities we had for connection along the way. We admired the majesty of the mountains and ocean waves. We revelled in racing go karts down a hill and were challenged by the story of a life presented in song. We delighted in tiny bouquets of wild flowers on our hikes. From hiking down a steep slope to splash in cool river pools to learning to to cook a traditional ethnic dish and from admiring water plunging down a mountainside to donning wet suits to play in ocean surf, many new holiday memories were created. But our treasures were found in breaking bread with family and friends, playing card games, laughing or just hanging out in a backyard pool or campsite and infused our holiday with significance and meaning.
We were designed with relationship in mind and it takes dedicated time to develop those of significance. Take time to ask good questions and discover a new interest or view point of your spouse, child or friend. My daughter asked me out to supper(I was buying!) because she wanted my sole attention. It was an opportunity to hear her heart and what her concerns were without the usual distractions of chores, work and school. The Body of Christ is for fellowship, breaking breaking bread, praying and studying the Word together. When was the last time you took the time to invest in a relationship with a fellow believer?