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Broken Majesty


Twin towers jut

into the sky

A wedge

between them

They lean

towards each other

Yet neither

can bend

By Tamara J. Wanner

Conflict divides and conquers. Its forces push and pull those who've covenanted to walk together in marriage and in the body of Christ. Sometimes it shatters relationships or reveals a cracked foundation of mismatched values. Where does conflict show up the most?

It arises the most in close relationships. It overcomes when individuals lose sight of the value of the other person. It overwhelms when the conflict calls into question the worth of the other individual.

Loss compounds conflict. It pulls a shroud over the innermost parts, obscuring the truth behind the conflict. Grief buries true emotions and lies to you about the conflict.

James 4:1 tells us where conflict arises within us.

"What is the source of conflict among you? What is the source of your disputes? Don't they come from your cravings that are at war in your own lives?"

Ask. Ask yourself if there's anything you desperately want that keeps you from seeing the other person as an image bearer of God. Ask yourself if your demand of the other person allows you to seek their best interests.

Philippians 2:3-4 challenges us not to "do anything for selfish purposes, but with humility think of others as better than (y)ourselves. Instead of each person watching out for their own good, watch out for what is better for others."(CEB)

For more tips on handling conflict, check out this link.

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