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Clark's Point Delaware
Clark's Point

Need to decrease the energy of a wave? Build a breakwater. Need to prevent the erosion of a beach? Build a breakwater. Need a place for gulls to congregate? Build a breakwater?

Gulls perched on the breakwater at Clark's Point in Delaware, USA
Seagulls perched on the breakwater at Clark's Point

The echoes of 'mine, mine, mine' from the epic journey of "Finding Nemo" spring to mind when I look at this picture. Their strident cries remind me of my own. The outbreak of social media posts and ads produce inordinate longings for ideals and perfection and things that will somehow produce happiness in me.

Lord, I echo the prayer of the psalmist: "Be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me."(Psalm 31:2b-3 NIV)

Be my breakwater Lord

Don't let the waves of greed swamp me.

Be my breakwater Lord

Cut through the chatter of covetousness

Be my breakwater Lord

For the sake of your Name.

Be my breakwater Lord

Lead and guide me

Keep me free from the trap of comparison

Be my breakwater

Into your hands I commit my spirit

Deliver me Lord, my faithful God.

Are the waves pummeling you? Find your refuge in the Rock. The rock and fortress of our God will be your refuge.

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