Storied Hands
By Tamara Wanner
Hands outstretched
Hope bereft
Face down on the floor
Gentle touch
Burden lifted
Face down on the floor
Hands clenched
Anger rages
Face mashed against the door
Gentle answer
Soothing fear
Face turned towards Creator
Hands uplifted
Hope restored
Face up towards Creator
Gentle words
Despair gone
Face up towards Creator
One of my favorite phrases God poses when His people feel hopeless is found in Isaiah 59:1. It says:
'Truly, the Lord's hand has not become short,
so that he is unable to give salvation;
and his ear is not shut from hearing.'
Let's take hold of it and lean on Him rather than striving in our own strength. When we have faith like Abraham, we lean our entire selves on Jesus, trusting Him to carry us through whatever it is we are facing.